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A fun filled lunchtime today with clubs being run by and

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Fantastic opportunities to join our growing team. Get in touch to come and meet the team and find out more.

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The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery, the best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see. Book your place at our info event here and with and

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The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery, the best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see. Book your place at our info event here and with and

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We have loved the many opportunities this week to look forward to next term. Meeting new Nursery and Reception children and families, and meeting our new teachers on our moving up session this afternoon.

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We have loved the many opportunities this week to look forward to next term. Meeting new Nursery and Reception children and families, and meeting our new teachers on our moving up session this afternoon.

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Our first fantastic cluster inset! We had all teachers and leaders from Forge Wood, Lime Tree, Greenway, Merstham, Salfords and Southgate. Such a great day!

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Our first fantastic cluster inset! We had all teachers and leaders from Forge Wood, Lime Tree, Greenway, Merstham, Salfords and Southgate. Such a great day!

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Fantastic opportunities to join our growing team Check out our vacancies…

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Fantastic opportunities to join our growing team Check out our vacancies

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What an amazing turnout to the colour sun, organised by the Friends of Kilnwood Vale. The children (and staff) had so much fun! Thanks to the FoKV for organising and to everyone who contributed towards the fundraising.

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What an amazing turnout to the colour sun, organised by the Friends of Kilnwood Vale. The children (and staff) had so much fun! Thanks to the FoKV for organising and to everyone who contributed towards the fundraising.

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In Nursery, children have been learning all about King Charles and the Coronation. They had their own Coronation tea party, where they created crowns to wear. To support their topic “puddles and rainbows” children created a colourful rainbow in a science experiment.

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In Nursery, children have been learning all about King Charles and the Coronation. They had their own Coronation tea party, where they created crowns to wear.To support their topic “puddles and rainbows” children created a colourful rainbow in a science experiment.

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Would you like to train to teach in a local school? GLF Schools Teacher Training has placements available in both Primary and Secondary schools across the trust starting in September 2023. Register for an information event to find out more.

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Are you a West Sussex school looking for an Appropriate Body and provider for your September starters. Visit our website for more information about the support we provide

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Would you like to train to teach in a local school? GLF Schools Teacher Training has placements available in both Primary and Secondary schools across the trust starting in September 2023. Register for an information event to find out more.

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Are you a West Sussex school looking for an Appropriate Body and provider for your September starters. Visit our website for more information about the support we provide

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Hot chocolate on a Friday for a selection of children who have demonstrated our 'Excellent' learning behaviours this week! Here are a few photos!

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Hot chocolate on a Friday for a selection of children who have demonstrated our 'Excellent' learning behaviours this week! Here are a few photos!

Our Place in the Community

Building Effective Partnerships
We want our children and staff to be actively involved in establishing and making our community a great place to live.  In part, this will be addressed through our curriculum that:

  • Helps pupils to understand, explore and celebrate their similarities and differences
  • Helps pupils to understand what is meant by the term ‘human rights’ and what some of these rights are
  • Encourages pupils to take part in voluntary activities as part of the wider curriculum

The school will seek to promote community cohesion at the different levels of “community” shown below:

The school community

  • Establishing peer support systems within each school, including: paired reading schemes, mentors and sports and language leaders
  • Providing pupils with a strong voice in decisions that affect their learning and environment through the school council/parliament, and the opportunity to undertake additional roles with significant responsibilities.
  • The tracking of all pupils comprehensively, with particular consideration for groups of pupils such as EAL, those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding and those from ethnic minorities, with appropriate interventions where necessary.
  • Working in collaboration with parents in a variety of ways. Including, open door communication policy, parent information evenings and volunteering in school.

The local community

  • Establish effective relationships with a variety of multi agencies  
  • Taking part in an inter school sporting fixtures
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to participate in a range of events and competitions with other schools
  • Promoting community use of sports facilities
  • Providing lifelong learning for the local community
  • Staff representation at Safer Neighbourhood Team meetings
  • Positive engagement with a wide variety of other local community groups
  • Distribution of the school newsletter to parents and the local community
  • A range of parental engagement activities in line with our transition and assessment/reporting routines
  • Encouraging the local community to participate in a wide range of events (concerts, productions etc)

The UK community

  • Extending and developing the school curriculum through a wide range of trips to places of interest in the UK and by participating in national events and activities
  • Actively using assemblies to promote awareness of national issues such as homelessness and racial prejudice
  • The organising of annual charity days to support national charities

The global community

  • Providing a range of residential and exchange opportunities in different countries to allow pupils to experience and learn from other cultures.