British Values

Our Vision for British Values at Kilnwood Vale Primary School

British Values

Promoting Democracy

In Reception, children will be encouraged to express their own views. They will have opportunities to make choices about their learning, both daily and over time, influencing the direction their learning takes. Opportunities will be planned to gather children’s views and preferences as well as through more informal means. Children will be able to ‘vote’ for activities, such as which book to read at the end of the day. This will help the children understand the views of others and how decisions can be made fairly in group situations. The children will opportunities to discuss and develop their understanding of ‘fair’ and what this means for them in school and at home.


In KS1, children will further their understanding of shared responsibility and group choices. They will have many opportunities for pupil voice both individually and as a group or class. They will become more involved in the decision making process, making sure that decisions are fair.


In KS2, children will widen their understanding of democracy both in their lives but also in Britain and the wider world. They will begin to understand the role of Government, councils, voting and parliament. Children’s social development involves them acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (local, national and global), and an ability to relate to others and to work with others for the common good. They will display a sense of belonging and an increasing willingness to participate across school life. They will develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to make an active contribution to the democratic process in each of their communities. The children will be involved in making many school decision, understanding how to be democratic within school.


Promoting the Rule of Law

In Reception, children are taught right from wrong. They will be supported to understand and follow the class and school rules. To help the children understand this, fictional stories will be used where children can discuss the actions of characters and their consequences.


In KS1, children will further develop their understanding of right and wrong. They will continue to use fictional characters and plots to explore these themes, responding in writing, role play and art to these situations. Children will take on the role of buddies and playground pals to support younger children and model and teach appropriate behaviour within the school rules. Children will begin to understand some laws (for example speed limits).


In KS2, children will widen their understanding of Laws and who decides our laws. They will begin to understand the role of Government and parliament. They will develop the skills and attitudes to enable them to participate fully and positively in democratic modern Britain. Children will take on the role of buddies and playground pals to support younger children and model and teach appropriate behaviour within the school rules. Through pupil parliament, children will be involved in making school rules and explaining these to others.


Promoting Individual Liberty

Reception children are encouraged to continuously make choices about their learning, whether it be which activity to choose or which materials and equipment are most appropriate. They are encourage to be reflective and express their likes and dislikes in an appropriate way.


In KS1, opportunities will be planned for children to make choices about their learning. This may include their own mini project, equipment and materials to use or how to use ‘free time’. Children will be further supported to express their feelings and views in appropriate ways, learning effective ways to communicate with others. They will understand that although their choices and views may be different to those of their peers, they will still be a respected and valued member of the school. They will learn about safe choices and through role play and discussion develop their understanding of peer pressure.


In KS2, children will learn more about the term Liberty and the freedoms that they and others have. They will develop their understanding of their own personal freedom and rights in school, at home and when out and about. Children will continue to make choices about their learning and how to use their leisure time. Through E-safety lessons, PSHE and other planned activities children will further develop their understanding of how to make choices to keep themselves safe.


Promoting Mutual Respect

Our Reception children will learn about each other, recognising similarities and differences between them and their peers. They will recognise the strengths of others and know that although they may be different they all valued and belong at Kilnwood Vale Primary School.


In KS1, children will further develop their understanding of respect and how they can show it to others. They will understand that others should show them respect. These discussions and sessions will be age appropriate and will explore respect at school, at home and in other familiar situations such as at football club.  They will explore  what it feels like when you are respected or not respected


In KS2, children were develop their understanding of respect through exploring this in their own school and community and through Sport, and Culture (e.g. Olympic Values). Through learning about the past they will understand the importance of respect. They will be encouraged to be role models for the rest of the school, showing respect to their peers, staff, visitors and their families.


Tolerance and Respect of all faiths, those with no faiths, different cultures and lifestyles

Through a range of opportunities including R.E lessons, Assemblies and PSED activities, Reception children will learn about other faiths, cultures and people around the world. They will be encourage to be curious about others and adults will model how to show respect to help the children develop these skills.


Through R.E lessons, Assemblies and PSHE activities, children in KS1 will learn about a variety of faiths and religious practices, cultural differences and similarities and explore how other people’s lives and appearance are different to their own. The children’s natural curiosity will be encouraged, inviting questions from children to further their knowledge and understanding.


KS2 children will build upon their knowledge and understanding exploring different faiths, beliefs, cultures and lifestyles through History, Geography, RE and PSHE. Children will discuss the news and current events, always being encouraged to express their views openly and honestly but in an appropriate and respectful manner.  They will be able to compare their own beliefs with those of others in a respectful way. They will show tolerance and respect for those around them and those they meet or learn about. Through History, Geography, RE, PSHE , the news and current events the children will broaden their understanding of other people’s lives. They will understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain.



Page Downloads Date  
KS1 SMSC web 27th Apr 2022 Download
EY SMSC web 27th Apr 2022 Download
KS2 SMSC web 27th Apr 2022 Download